Україна збирається врахувати негативний досвід Польщі у проведенні перепису населення

27 Липня 2018 15:35

Для проведення Всеукраїнського перепису Україна закуповуватиме потужне обладнання

Україна врахує негативний досвід Польщі у проведенні перепису, а також може швидше порахувати результати свого дослідження, ніж це зробила Канада під час свого перепису. Про це в інтерв’ю «Главкому» розповіла директор Інституту демографії та соціальних досліджень Елла Лібанова.

«Наприклад, у Польщі виявився занизьким обсяг пам’яті та акумуляторів IPadів, що використовувались. В Україні передбачено закупівлю більш потужного обладнання», – зазначила експерт. За її словами, українські статистики уважно вивчають досвід інших країн щодо проведення переписів, з’ясовують проблеми, що виникали, і намагаються їх уникнути.

Hierarchical integrated defense: cisco SAFE that successful security solution should adopt integrated protection on the network infrastructure, and not only consider some special safety equipment.As a result, cisco has integrated security capabilities into its various network products to ensure that the entire network is fully integrated and three-dimensional.Guangdong development bank has implemented such a three-dimensional integrated security defense.Take the guangdong development bank’s outreach network system, for example, which USES three layers of integrated security protection, including routers, firewalls and switches.1, the first layer security protection provided by the router to achieve router in Internet/extranet wan connection of public information network, such as DNS server with guangdong development bank, questions CISSP questions the WWW server and E-mail servers located in external PIX firewall, with these servers as part of the questions opening to the outside world, the ministry of internal and external CISSP questions users to 300-070 Exam dumps provide the corresponding services, its itself also become a part of the public information network.These servers in order to provide effective security, prevent the CISSP questions 300-070 Exam dumps outside of the CISSP questions user to the illegal operation of the CISSP questions server, the server, delete, modify, or the content, should be carried out to external access can strictly control.With the 300-070 Exam dumps firewall function of Cisco 300-070 Exam dumps router, the operation of 300-070 Exam dumps external users on the servers can be restricted to prevent the servers from being damaged from the outside.2. The second layer questions of security protection is protected by PIX firewall, which completely separates 300-070 Exam dumps the internal network of enterprises from the external network. PIX is the only outlet for the internal network subsystems.By using PIX firewall to isolate the internal 300-070 Exam dumps and external network, the security of the internal network is further guaranteed.PIX provides a complete record of all access, including illegal intrusion attempts.PIX realized from questions the network layer questions to application layer security protection, can be based on packet source address, destination address, TCP port Numbers and packet length on the communication control, as a move method to access is prohibited.3, the third layer security protection provided by the LAN switches Catalyst 6500 core switches deployed IDS and CISSP questions firewall module, monitoring the safety of the complex intranets effectively, is the third barrier CISSP questions against external attacks to prevent, is a good method to prevent internal attacks.Another Catalyst series questions switches have MAC address filtering function, therefore can be defined according to the need to switch each port, only allow specific MAC address of the workstation through the specific port access, port to communicate with the connection questions PIX.Due to the uniqueness of the MAC address and not configured, this kind of control, in fact, from hardware to control a specific machine, compared with the IP address filtering, this CISSP questions protection has higher security.Through the above three layers of security protection, guangdong development 300-070 Exam dumps bank network system to realize the reliable from link layer to questions application layer security control, have the effect questions to prevent illegal access external, has the very high security.Reading this wasn’t the first questions time I’ve paused to consider whether my heart’s and my people’s infatuation with autumn is not a worldly indulgence. The promise of the Kingdom is fullness of life, 300-070 Exam dumps not pretty death. Halloween just means “the night before the Saints” and all the gruesomeness on display represents the demons coming out one last night before the Saints arrive and 300-070 Exam dumps drive them all away. A Christian may secretly treasure the festival questions for that reason, but how can she join in when questions her place is not with the demons and decay, 300-070 Exam dumps but with the Saints and salvation? Whence this covert delight in the season’s celebration of fear and death?

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«У Канаді результати перепису обробляються кілька років. Переконана, що Україна справиться значно швидше, чому сприятиме використання сучасних методів збирання інформації», – каже директор Інституту демографії, оскільки електронні носії, що значно прискорюють оброблення інформації, яку збирають дослідники.

Як повідомляв «Главком», пробний перепис українців проведуть у грудні 2019 року.


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